Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"Old Home Week"

It was good hearing from Hoots, Slippery, & Pictruandtru this week, and even the bbq man made a brief cameo altho sans The Pond.

Good luck to you, Slippery, in your new endeavors. 29 and a half years in one job-the catfish can relate. However, I am disappointed in you for going to Brand X Cafeteria, home of the infamous carrot souffle, which I introduced to the Brand X world back in the early 90's. It still irks my ass to know those forkers have stolen my recipe with LITTLE or no recognition for me and my family. Those corporate dickheads can kiss my forkin' arse.

Where was I? [ More later on this subject after the catfish has imbibed on a few brewskies, courtesy of Corona ] Oh yeah. Good luck, Slippery, as you are welcomed to the jungle allah an appetite for destruction. Those dickheads you worked for probably didn't appreciate any thing you did for them.

Which segues into my passive-aggressive dickhead boss who is a walking contradiction.... [ Sorry, the editor will intervene before the catfish gets too rowdy/randy and has trouble falling asleep. His foray into dick-headdom will have to be postponed for a later date ]

....forkin' dickhead that he is. And that's all I have to say about that. Apologies to Forrest Gump and Bubba.

gimme shelter, v.c.

P.S. Thank you, Slippery, for at least telling Brand X to kiss my arse. And as we used to say back in the days of Rowdy High: "Sideways" & "Twicediddies!"

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