Friday, November 07, 2014


San Fran beat the Royals. In the World Series. It was a serious series. Seriously.

I won again at Y Knots. I beat Kevin heads up. This time the prize was $30. Not 500. Seriously, as we had a serious series of hands.

It's getting colder and the "it's colder than a witch's titty" comes to mind. Global warming anyone? Let's have a serious conversation and dialogue around the country. Libs believe there's a threat, and conservatives discount the notion. What else is new?

The ebola panic has died down.

Seriously sharp cheese is made by Cabot. Seriously.

I would love to compose a "Dear Cat." Seriously. Not sure I can still do it.

Dear Cat: The election was Tuesday. Did you vote? The Repubs had a grand day. Winning the Senate. Ga.'s David Perdue won over Michelle Nunn, she of political lineage ( Sam Nunn ); and Nathan Deal defeated Jason Carter. Jimma Carter anyone? What was your take? Signed: And whatever happened to Billy Beer?

Dear Billy Beer: I voted but only God and the voting booth know what candidates garnered my votes. Do I color my hair at age 62? Only my hairdresser knows for sure. Yes, I was surprised by the elections. But there's a texas hold 'em tournament tonight at YKnots, so I don't have time to pontificate. Seriously.

"Fit as a fiddle" and "full as a tick" were expressions I heard as a kid. Needless to say, you don't hear these any longer.

Time to end the update.

Gimme shelter!