Saturday, July 08, 2006

"My Boss Is A Dickhead"


I hate to judge someone as a dickhead, because the bible asks us "to judge not lest ye be judged," but the denizens of the world 2000 plus years ago never had a dickhead for a boss as I do in the year of our lord, circa 2006. Anno domini, eh?

The assistant boss is a dickhead, too. Every word that comes out of these two guys mouths is NEGATIVE. Give it a rest, fellas. Every now and then we got to fork up and do something right. Law of averages and all that stuff.

Today the asst. boss sent a memo to me and a few other minions which read: "You guys were supposed to send me your uniform information by 8 a.m. today and you didn't. All of you complain about your supervisors and asst. mgrs. not getting things done. Well, guess what? Monkey see, monkey do." [ or words to that effect ]

I saw the e mail and decided it would behoove me to get this project done asap. Which I did. And I also sent my own e mail to two of the guys on the list.

"Jack [ not his real name ] you are pathetic. Can't you get a project done on time?"
signed, v.c.

"Billy, [ not his real name ] maybe the boss should pay you minimum wage after all.* Either shape up or ship out." signed, v.c.

In summary, my bosses are dickheads. signed, v.c.

P.S. I don't complain about my supes and asst. mgr. [ singular ] I try to build them up-not tear them down.

P.S.S. * Reference to the boss saying he doesn't pay us minimum wage, so we should perform better. What a dickhead!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude, sounds like a bad scene. Sometimes being psychedelisized is nifty when your gig is dragging you down.

consciencious objector