Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tiger Woods Regains No. 1 Ranking ... For Tightwad Tippers

Because I worked in the food biz for over 30 years, this kind of story interests me. Of course, the comments from the readers are stereotypical.When they say blacks don't tip, I have never found that to be true. My servers at the airport didn't want to wait on foreigners. Once, a Greek party with a bill of $150.00 left a dollar tip. Susie was mad about it-and rightfully so-but she always made out like a bandit. $300 to $500 a night. Not a bad gig and tax free after $5.15 an hour.

P.S. Maybe women are bad tippers because they aren't good in math? I did know a woman who said if all I have is a dollar to leave as a tip, they ( the server ) should be happy with that!

Top Ten Cheapest Celebrity Tippers
1.) Tiger Woods: Claims he never carries cash.
2.) Madonna: Once left an $18 tip on a $400 bill.
3.) Barbra Streisand: Famous for leaving $10 tip for $457 tab.
4.) LeBron James: Didn't ever get tipping talents, left $10 on an $800 bill.
5.) Jeremy Piven: Left signed Entourage DVD as tip.
6.) Usher: Once left his autograph as a tip.
7.) Mariah Carey: Famous for diva demands and no tips!
8.) Sean Penn: Left $0 on a $450 tab in New Orleans.
9.) Bill Cosby: Once left a $3 tip on a $350 bill
10.) Rachael Ray: Promotes less than 20 percent tip on her show.

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