Dear Rock, Back at Hell Whole, the women guests were either too hot or too cold. One elderly woman and her daughter ate at my place a few times a week. The mom would wear an overcoat-even in the summer-because it was too cold for her.
And then there were the erstwhile ( that's what I called 'em-not sure they knew what it meant ) school teachers that were sisters, and who always had to have the fan cut off at their favorite table. They were retired from the teaching biz and loved eating at H.W.
Be careful about that keybored of yours. Electrical shock and rust. Terminal? Nah, we'll bounce back-we're baby boomers! We survived the 60's....and women's lib....and Viet Nam....and all of the social upheavals, so we can definitely beat our manopause.
Gimme shelter, v.c.
P.S. And in the immortal words of Socrates, or was it Confucious, or perhaps it was Aldous Huxley: "rock on luby's!"
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