It was good to hear from my two friends, Hoots and Rock via Golden Pond. We all met somewhere in 2001 on the PIC and LUB message board.
We used to write posts on there for all the world to see. Hoots' posts were about Piccadilly, and he often took the company's point of view, which didn't set well with the guys/gals who voiced their displeasure with the powers-that-be. Viva la revolution!
Rock would write short positive messages and would always end with "rock on Luby's."
I tried to be humorous for the most part and called my posts "forays into the infantile." Sometimes I would get my pantiesinnawad ( a Hoots coinage )and write a raving rant, and the aforementioned would urge me to tell the readers "how I really feel." My first attempt at humor was when I posted "ten ways to increase business." Some people really got their panniesinnawad over that one, and Hoots came to my rescue.
We had a lot of fun, and we three and other loony characters were known as the "Bored." ( a cat coinage ).
Hoots would tell an occasional joke, and I would write a movie screenplay. My friend, ibbq4u2 who also posted, told me that my "Whiskers" screenplay got him engaged in the Message Board, er, Bored.
I have never met Rock. Don't know what he looks like. But I feel a kindred spirit with him, because of the Bored. I do know he likes the Cowboys and recently left the Wherehouse. ( Yep, he coined that one! )
So it was good to hear from Rock and Hoots. Oh yeah, me and Hoots go way back, way before being bored.
So rock on world and rock on newshoggers. It's time to disembark the nite train. Ready to crash and burn-I never learn.
P.S. How do you spell panniezinnawad anyway?
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