Friday, October 15, 2004

Perusing The Pond Revisited

It's time to invent some new tag-lines and trademarks;the old ones have run their course. You may now disembowel, er, disembark the nite train has served me well. But all good things must pass ( apologies to George Harrison, the shy Beatle back in the day ) Speaking of which, "apologies to" must rest in peace, too, allah the nite train.

And then there's apollo g's, a reference to our grand gala, circa 1998, where we celebrated the purchase of Morrison's, once our chief rival in the cafeteria business. And we invited Jim Lovell, the astronaut from Apollo 13 to attend, played to the "t" by Tom Hanks in the flick by the same name. The g's referred to lunar spacecraft talk, i.e. "Houston, we have a problem." And the gravitational forces which keep us firmly implanted on Earth.

Here's thinking we'll keep the < > marks. Stylish and unigue, imho. A departure from the mundane. The blog recognizes them now for some reason. In the beginning, it did not. And farewell and adieu, yeah we gotta keep that one. Cos it was my first post on the yahoo and the first here. So for old times sake, it's a keeper. ( pun unintended )

And the postscripts have to stay. Seems we can't always finish a train of thought and the p.s.'s come in handy. And, yes, submitted for your approval and perusal will remain intact. Stolen from the twilight zone, allah Rod Serling, but tweaked with perusal so it is somewhat original.

Thus, as I'm perusing my diminishing returns ( see the turnip greens caper ) the nite train, er, the benefactor of Golden Pond will have more time to invent clever? hooks. ( pun, once again, unintended ) Submitted for....

Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. Due to the length of tonite's post and the advancing time, and the turnip greens caper, there will be no postscripts. Sorry!

P.S.S. No sooner had I celebrated the < > marks enabling my forays, the powers that be quickly put me back in my place. Not recognizing the said symbols. Back to square one. Go figger, mon trigger.

1 comment:

Hoots said...

Congrats...I see your counter hit a hundred.
All I can say is "You ain't got no hair on your tongue!"