Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I posted this in 2006. Encore presentation, eh? I was looking for a cornbread recipe for my sis, and it pulled this one out. Pun not intended.

I was attempting to respond to a Doc Searls foray in which the poor man as a child had to endure dentistry sans novacaine. OUCH! No wonder we're all loonier than loons.
Here is my comment:

I've already written this once but didn't save it-too much porn viewing, I guess, but here goes again.

Dr. Hardnut used to drill on my teeth, circa 1960. Each cavity cost $5.00 each as in "five" golden rings.

My Aunt Mad was deathly afraid of dentists. Perhaps she had close encounters of the third kind allah Doc Searls.

Her teeth were ravaged by gingivitis- each one loose and in the last stages of decay.
However, it never stopped her from indulging in chicken and dumplings-her favorite meal-or cornbread submerged in buttermilk.

Today a cavity costs $600.00 which doesn't include the cleaning and repartee from the tooth cleaner. Talk about inflation, eh?

My new dentist sings along to the Muzac while he's examining every nook and cranny in the recesses of yer mouth. I call him the singing dentist. And he knows the words to every pop recording ever made.

Moral of the story: Floss and brush your teeth every day. Have regular cleanings ( 6 months recommended ) and if you are tempted to go go "back to the future" have all your dental work up to date ( pun intention? ) before proceeding.

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