Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Have Egg Shells-Will Travel!"

Well, I used to be the EGGMAN until another powers-that-be deemed me expendable. It must be me, eh?

But yesterday I talked to my friend and cohort from the Atlanta Airport. Seems he's giving his notice July 5th.

Why I asked him!

Verbatim: "I can't take it any more."

He's having to work 6-7 days a week, a minimum of 12 hours a day. Ah, the food biz.

When I called him he said he was at work, twiddling his thumbs, waiting on the "crack" maintenance team to repair the Pizza Hut oven. Without the oven-guess what?-you can't sell any pizzas. He also made a deleterious comment inferring that perhaps the maintenance staff may be on crack.

He also manages a coppola bars as well. Sam Addams and Brews and Blues.

Seems they fired his associate manager during the Memorial Day weekend. She showed up late for work, and they termed her with a quickness. She had been employed with the company for over 10 years. When my former boss wanted yer ass outta there, it was only a matter of time.

And my last employer? They fired one manager for "stealing" a bag of gummi bears. The line was long at the cashier when he went to make the purchase. Forgot about it during the day. A team member ( ? ) told on him, and he was abruptly shown the door.
Suggested retail price of one bag of gummi bears: $.79.

Another g.m. was fired for spilling coffee, heavy on the caffeine, on his shirt. He went to Retail, picked out a shirt to replace the stained one and never paid for it.
His salary was an impressive $130,000 per year. He soon was making nada, as the boy was-what else?-abruptly shown the door.

More firings from my last venue:

1) customer orders a baked potato. None are ready. Ingenious manager wants to please the guest. Right? Puts a potato in the microwave. Serves guest. Happy ending? Nah, the boy's career. Kaput. Fini.' Didn't follow the recipe. Went against the system. The system don't like that! Bye bye!

2) Guest wants mashed potatoes. Ain't none. Plus, they use fresh. Can't cook potatoes quickly. Ingenious manager runs to store, buys a box of instant. Serves guest. Guest is frequent customer. Notices potatoes ain't fresh. Calls home office with her complaint. Result: farewell and adieu to you fair spanish maidens....

So maybe it ain't me after all. My 30 year employer was going through financial problems, so they liked firing the old-timers. My firing was also political. But I did give them a reason to fire me so....

Not sure how I got on this subject. I am committed to writing ( or attempting to ) a novel. My family is crazy; my work environs have been crazy; and I am crazy, so I have a lot of material from whence to choose.

If you are mentioned in my book, I will try to disguise your identity. Don't want no lawsuits. Per example, my male friend, *****, once confessed to me in confidence that he has always been a lesbian. I am a lesbian, too, and proud of it.

The name of the book: "Have Eggshells-Will Travel." It came to me ( divine intervention? ) during one of my walks to get in shape. I love the title!!!!!!!!!

In summary, the ex EGGMAN has to wrap this up. When I was in college my friend Mitch turned me onto a rendition of "I Am The Walrus" by Spooky Tooth. He also turned me onto something else before the preview. It was a magical experience. Circa 1971.

I am the EGGMAN, v.c.

P.S. This rendition is really good. There are two songs I want played at my funeral. This is one of them.

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