Thursday, June 21, 2007

"Happiness Is A Warm Gun!"

No, I haven't got to that point....yet. I have so many things to look forward to. Arthritis; prostate cancer; diminished libido; no libido; clogged arteries; the end of the world; etc. Why would anyone want to leave this glorious world? And ahead of schedule at that.

Amen, hoots. What started out as a quick reply to your message morphed into a new post.
Plus, I've been listening to the "White Album" all day and have reveled in songs from back in the daze. My passion for the Fab 4 has never subsided and never will. I'm afraid I was spoiled by the music. And have never been titillated by anyone or group since.

The food biz sux, as chronicled by me in many forays. Nights, weekends, EVERY holiday,
long hours, standing on your feet all day, etc. But somebody's got to put out all that wholesome food. And I admire the spunk of those who can tolerate the hell wholes of the industry. Frankly, I think they've lost their ever-freakin' minds.

And that's the extent of my rant tonite.

Life is a cabaret, ol' chum, unless, of course, you work in the food biz, v.c.

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pictruandtru said...
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