Saturday, January 22, 2005

Thank God for Global Warming!

The weather outside is frightful
But inside it's so delightful.

Bangor, Maine is reporting temps of 29 below. Thank goodness for global warming. Or the poor souls of the northeast corner would REALLY be freezing their asses off. And the rest of the northeast is under a winter weather advisory. Must be an aberration, eh? Shirley, by next week, the world will return to normal and the polar icecaps will continue to melt as they make their assaults on Mother Earth.

Is it too late to swear in John Kerry? I-among others including Senator Boxer-demand a recount. Those poor disenfranchised voters who had to wait in long lines. And who had to give up the fight because their asses were cold, er,their legs hurt.

Damn, CBS, er, Fox news is showing the blizzard conditions in New York City. 3 feet of snow is expected. And Cleveland, Ohio, home to some of the d.v's. Snowing like crazy. "Nasty, nasty night" in Philadelphia claims the savvy Fox reporter doing an on-location "live" report. 16 degrees is expected at game time for tomorrow's NFL showdown.

In fact, the weather is "The Big Story" on Fox. And it's bad in Washington, D.C. as well. Thank goodness for global warming. Can you imagine the mess we'd be in tonite without it? I shudder [ pun unintended ] to think of the implications.

Uh oh. Here comes the obligatory "don't go out unless you have to." They've got to be kidding. Only an idiot would travel those roads. And idiots don't pay heed to advisories so what's the point.

Global warming? Thank you oh omnipotent force. And may its force be with you. As your freezing your asses off.

Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. Opting to go and get in my warm bed instead of engaging in postscripts, so's I'll have some ass left.


Anonymous said...

Good post on Global Warming Cat. The liberals like John would like to scare us into beleiving that the earth is coming to an end. Fact is that the earth has been changing temperature slightly back and forth for thousands of years. This is a natural event and has nothing to do with man made ozones.

Keep up the good work!


vietnamcatfish said...

Thanks for the kind words. Global warming, smobal warming. It's just another convenient way to bash the President. And what imperical data does anyone have to support such a contention? Any madman can offer a theory. Doesn't mean it's the fact, Jack. I see where they're still freezing their asses off in the northeast.
Go figga, v.c.