Tuesday, August 28, 2007

"Jesse, Scarlett and v.c., yours truly"

Thanks to all of those who have inquired and inspired concerning my job search. "Inquired and inspired" sounds like something Jesse Jackson might say.

Rock, at this time I will remain mum on my prospective job alerts. Until I hear from this one company-hopefully tomorrow. They called me today, but I was at my new job tolling away. And because I know that companies frown on cell phone usage, I left it in the car. [ old Betsy ]

I have been reading GWTW this week. A great book, imho. And for me who was never much of a reader, the old phrase "Who'd a thunk it?" comes to mind. As most of the viewing readership is aware, the story is told through the eyes of Scarlett O'Hara and how she goes from being waited on hand and foot all her life to the leader of Tara, soon after General Sherman burns Atlanta on his march to the sea.

Scarlett deals with hunger, disease and attitudes.

"I can't pick cotton. What will my beau, Mr. Kennedy think?"

And l'il Wade says: "I don't like yams. Wade hungwy."

Anyway, my ideal job would be to land one as a reporter. Tackling the big news stories. Or writing a column in a fishwrapper about movies and trivia from back in the daze.

As Jesse Jackson might say:

Farewell and skidoo, v.c.

P.S. Perhaps I'll think about it tomorrow. Because tomorrow's.....another day.

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