Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Congratulations to Warner Robbins-Little League World Series Champs"





For whatever reasons I enjoyed watching these young kids playing for the championship of the WORLD. These 11-12-13 year olds had their "time in the sun." Before a national media including television which carried all of the games.

The bases are 60 feet apart, as opposed to 90 feet in the pros. And the dimensions of the field are 225 feet from left to right.

One kid's father quit his job, because the company or manager didn't feel [ they ] could let him attend the games. So he told 'em where to shove it. Good for him.

One kid for Texas broke his ankle while covering home plate on Saturday. On Sunday he returned on crutches with a nice, shiny blue cast.

All of the kids get to play during the game. When I was a kid playing sports, the coaches played only the best players. They could care less if this practice hurt one's self-esteem. They had the Vince Lombardi mantra going: "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing.

The photos came from And the photographer's name is Jason Vorhees. Anyone familiar with the "Friday the 13th" series knows the demented, hocky mask wearer and resident psychopath's name was Jason Voorhees. Life's little ironies, eh?
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Anonymous said...

Dear Cat,

I too watched the game and I agree with you. Playing Little League back in the day was a humbling and sometimes a blow to one'
s self esteem. The only thing that was worse was going to 9 years of parochial school with those highly skilled nuns like Sister Mary Holy Water who wielded a metal ruler like Excalibur or I thought I saw her as an extra in Gladiater. Rock on luby'


vietnamcatfish said...

LOL. Good stuff, rock. I never went to parochial school. But I've heard the horror stories. And in my day we had grade school and high school. None of this middle school stuff. I think this new plan is good. I started high school at 12 years old-my birthday is in December. The day after Christmas. So that meant I wasn't even into puberty good and having to deal with teens who had flunked 1 or 2 grades and were into more dubious affectations than I.
I start a new job tomorrow. Well, sort of. Rock steady, rock

Anonymous said...

Dear Cat,

Your birthday is Dec 26? My sister's is also Dec 26. Growing up I thought life could be so unfair. Open up Christmas presents on Dec 25 then she turns around and gets more swag the next day! Where is the justice? What kind of gig you got going? Rock on luby's
