Sunday, August 12, 2007

Goodbye Class of '69 Member

I got the news today that Harold Stinson had passed away. CPOD being the culprit. I didn't know what that was, so I googled it. Damn, ain't modern technology wonderful? You just punch something in to Google and voila. The other day I saw "The Bourne Identity" and couldn't recall where I had seen the starlet, who played a femme fatale. Well almost, cos she will likely resurface in the next "Bourne."

In the newspaper I saw a blurb where they said the next one could be called "Bourne Free." Or "Bourne on the 4th of July." I was thinking "Bourne to be Wild" and "Bourne Out of Wedlock." But what do I know?

Anyway Harold cheated the actuary tables by leaving the earth at 55 or 56 years old. He was a free spirit, but I don't think I've seen him since high school. He worked at McDonalds' during his tenure at Rowdy High. And once as the grill cook put twelve raw burgers in the window to be wrapped. Seems the manager was in a rush for them, and Harold, in his own inimitable style, did his best for guest excellence.

COPD. Emphysema. Bronchitis. Not good. Must have been a long-time smoker. I do remember smoking a few with Harold in the Rowdy High smoking area. Wonder if they still allow this ancient practice? I doubt if they do.

We had a motto, our senior class, which went:

Sex, sin, beer and wine;
We're the class of '69.

Sorry to see you go, Harold. v.c.

P.S.Thank goodness for, too. I didn't know how to spell inimitable. Modern technology strikes again.

P.S.S. Harold, say hello to John and George and Elvis and Jimi and Janis and John Kennedy and my dogs, Juno, Elvis, Sam, Polly, Mitzi I and II and Brandy Girl when you reach the pearly gates. And above all else, rock steady! Apologies to Bad Company.


Anonymous said...

"Harry O,"

What a very fitting tribute to one of our own! COPD is not kind or selective and from what I heard, he wasn't even aware that he had it until it was too late!!! A real shame for us to loose another one of US!


vietnamcatfish said...

For those who don't know, Steverino [ a name coined by-who else?-yers truly ) is a charter member of Rock 'N Roll Rowdy High, and who also went to Truck U.! Back in the daze.
In fact, there's more of the former who view than the latter.