Monday, August 27, 2007

"I Beat It, Too!"

Seems me and the glandularly-challenged ox, er, big guy in the picture above aren't the only pleasingly plump denizens of these United States.

I went to the doctor today, and after a few blood tests, it was determined that yours truly's cholesterol level is off the charts. And the good cholesterol is too low. The doc suggested I go on the "South Beach Diet."

Hell, why not? I'm tired of lugging around the extra pounds. In the food biz, we are used to toting [ carrying ] 50 lb sacks of flour and sugar. 50 lb. cubes of shortening. A bag in the box [ coke products ] weighs around 40 or more pounds. And when we deliver the product to its respective destination, we invariably breathe a sigh of relief. So if you're 50 lbs. overweight, it's like carrying an extra bag of sugar/flour around with you 24/7.

Thanks to Marty who sent the picture to me of the man with the extra girth.

Fatty fatty two by four can't get in the kitchen door, v.c.

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