Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Trivia Challenge-vc Style"

I used to have fun with trivia challenges back in my daze on Yahoo. So [ Tammy ] Whynot do it again. Let's get started:

1) Who said: "As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again."

a) Lindsey Lohan
b) Mama Cass Eliot after going through 'fat' rehab.
c) Kirstie Alley after signing up with Jenny Craig.
d) v.c., yers truly, after being terminated from another job.

2) Who said: "I'll be back!"

a) Lindsey Lohan after another stint on rehab.
b) Rosie O'Donnell after losing her job on "The View" and losing out as host for ":The Price Is Right."
c) Michael Vick
d) v.c., yers truly, after being fired from another job.

3) Holly Golightly was referring to "whom" in this famous movie quote: "He's alright! Aren't you, cat? Poor cat! Poor slob! Poor slob without a name! The way I see it I haven't got the right to give him one. We don't belong to each other. We just took up one day by the river. I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's."

a) Lindsey Lohan
b) Michael Vick ( substitute Aren't you, dog? Poor dog! for Michael ]
c) Cat Stevens and/or Yusuf Islam
d) v.c., yers truly, after Holly learns he has been termed again.

4) In "Magnum Force" Dirty Harry tells Lt. Briggs, "A man's got to know his limitations. To whom was he referring?

a) Karl Rove after he was unceremoniously dumped today by George W.
b) Sylvester Stallone, who at 62 years old, encored another version of Rocky Balboa in 2007.
c) Starsky or Hutch or Huggy Bear!
d) v.c., yers truly, who was part of the vigilante force targeting asshole bosses in the workplace.

5) "You see Danny, I can deal with the bullets, and the bombs, and the blood. I don't want money, and I don't want medals. What I do want is for you to stand there in that faggoty white uniform and with your Harvard mouth extend me some fucking courtesy. You gotta ask me nicely." Who is Danny?

a) A trial lawyer who never goes to court. A master of the plea bargain.
b) An ex postal worker who has gone well, uh, postal.
c) The newest member of "The Village People."
d) v.c., yers truly, who can't find a job, so he enrolls in the witness protection program, and changes his name to Danny.

6) "The days go on and on... they don't end. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people." Who uttered this quote?

a) Travis Bickle in "Taxi Driver"
b) Tavis Smiley of "BET Network"
c) Anyone who works in the food service indudtry
d) Maytag Repairman

7) "We both know why I was transferred. Everyone thinks I'm suicidal, in which case, I'm fucked and nobody wants to work with me; or they think I'm faking to draw a psycho pension, in which case, I'm fucked and nobody wants to work with me. Basically, I'm fucked." Who made this memorable quote?

a) Karl Rove after being unceremoniously discharged today by George W
b) Frank Burns in MASH
c) General George Custer moments before "The Little Bighorn"
d) v.c., yers truly, after landing another job in the food biz.

8) "My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse." Who is 'him' in this quote?

a) Hulk Hogan
b) Gene Simmons
c) Bobby Brown
d) v.c., yers truly, after accepting his new job, which pays him the new minimum wage, $5.85 an hour.

9) "Hey, whaddya gonna do, nice college boy, eh? Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh? Now you wanna gun down a police captain. Why? Because he slapped ya in the face a little bit? Hah? What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away? You've gotta get up close like this and - bada-BING! - you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit. C'mere..." Who is the nice college boy?

a) Michael Corleone
b) Tommy Lee Jones
c) Al Gore, who invented the Internet.
d) v.c., yers truly, after graduating from Truck U.

10) "I was just reciting the Shepard's Prayer. Alan Shepard's prayer. Please God, don't let us screw up. Amen." Who said this, eh?

a) Virgil Grissom
b) Frank Corvin and Hawk Hawkins
c) Jose Jimenez
d) v.c., yers truly, talking to himself in the 3rd person, after landing a new job.

Well, there you have it. v.c.'s trivia challenge. Tune in tomorrow for all of the answers.

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