Friday, August 24, 2007

"Scintillating Blog?" or "Hillary Nutcracker?"

I added a counter the other day-stole, er, borrowed hoots' counter. I could never get the others to work, ever since the Pond switched over to the new beta google, whatever the fork that is.

Btw, my blog is now kinda like the old "America" song "Horse With No Name," because of my new design. When the introduction to G.P. is superimposed with the picture it's hard to make it out. So I don't even bother posting it anymore. Thus, my blog is now "the blog with no name" allah America. If this is a pun, I'm not really sure.

Seems Senator Byrd wants us to leave Iraq, and he's a Republican, so it's making big news.

I have been reading "Gone With the Wind" this week. I just read the chapter where Scarlett goes to fetch Dr. Meade, because Melanie is having her baby, and it's going to be a difficult birth. While reading I could only try to grasp the horrors of war.

Lying in the pitiless sun, shoulder to shoulder, head to feet, were hundreds of wounded men....Some lay stiff and still but many writhed under the hot sun, moaning. Everywhere, swarms of flies hovered over the men, crawling and buzzing in their faces, everywhere was blood, dirty bandages, groans, screamed curses of pain as stretcher bearers lifted men. The smell of sweat, of blood, of unwashed bodies, of excrement rose up in waves of blistering heat until the fetid stench almost nauseated her. [ Scarlett ]

I remember the movie, of course, and have seen it many times. I remember the opening scenes at Tara with the Tarleton twins and Scarlett And how the Southerners were boasting of whupping the Yankees, and how it would only take a month to dispatch the enemy.

Rhett Butler had a different view saying the South had no cannon factories or manufacturing. Might not be a good idea to engage in war. Needless to say, his oratory went over like a lead balloon.

Not sure what the right course of action is. But it seems our days in Iraq are numbered.

"GWTW" is well written and offers an insight into a time that is now, well, gone with the wind. I seem to be travelling those same thoroughfares.

To wrap [ things ] up, my hit counter stats have improved lately. So that's encouraging, and my job interview went well today, so without further [ farewell and ] adieu, I bid you, well, adieu, v.c.

I never really liked horse with no name. One reason: they kept playing it over and over on the air waves.


Hoots said...

Cool. Lots of hits from Korea and other places abroad (Malaysia, Argentina, UK). Look at "Recent visitor activity."

As for Iraq, I think our grandchildren will be paying taxes to support US forces there, same as with the Balkans, Germany, Japan, Korea, etc. Too much at stake, especially oil but strategic proximity to the rest of the world's Nuclear Weapons Club (which includes India, Pakistan, Russia, China and N. Korea. Ever wonder why Iran wants to tote similar weapons? Check out a map and see who their neighbors are.

I have a copy of GWTW from 1939, motion picture edition (paperback) with pictures from the movie. I haven't checked but it may be worth five dollars.
Good post.

Unknown said...

just dropping you a line to let you know that I am still in the audience. Who are you interviewing with? Hopefully not food service?