Saturday, July 07, 2007



Of course, I remember seeing this movie back in the daze. And I remember seeing all the spinoffs. And I remember Boris Karloff. And Lon Chaney. And Bela Lugosi, whose famous line was always: "I vant to drink your blood!"

Most of the werewolf, Frankenstein, Mummy, and vampire movies were serious stuff, which scared the beegeezus out of us small tykes. But Abbott and Costello's addition made for a light-hearted romp through filmdom. Who's on first, eh?"

Life IS like a box of chocolates, v.c.
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P.S. This picture is courtesy of TCM!


Anonymous said...

A "Classic" Comedy I still watch whenever on the tube. Hang in there Cat.


vietnamcatfish said...

Hello Rock, Where have you been? Trolling the waters over on the LUB board. Trolling is the word of the day, which is what yours truly has been doing since being termed by the infamous C.B.
Glad it turned out that way, as I was destined to working loooong hours and dealing with passive-aggressive types. Not to mention working every weekend and nite shifts.
As Rick Nelson once exclaimed in song: "If nite shifts, weekends, long hours was all I sang, I'd rather drive a truck." You see, Rock, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself.