Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Specious Effects"

To those few readers of mine, Shirley, you've been waiting with baited breath on the next installment of Golden Pond. And a round of thanks to those viewers from Ireland, Taiwan, Chile, and Vietnam who drop by occasionally. Even if you don't speak the language, you can still enjoy the goings-on via pictures. Eh?

Sunday afternoon I was watching the Falcons game and noticed that "Plan 9 from Outer Space" was playing on TCM, my favorite channel. Using the clicker, I went to channel 69 and, of course, looked at the synopsis. Very interesting it was:

Arguably, the worst movie ever made. Due to the specious effects, and because Bela Lugosi-he of "I vant to drink your blood" fame-died during the middle of filming. Paraphrasing but you get the gist.

I watched the movie. Well, sort of. Kept flipping back between the Falcons game and "Plan 9." It was the classic b/w thriller of the 50's. Check out the flying saucer pics that account for the specious effects that TCM mentions.

One of the actors, who plays a pilot and hates leaving his wife alone in the house while he's away, because they live in a remote part of town, also starred in one of my favorite movies, "Eiger Sanction." With Clint Eastwood.

Clint, Dr. Hemlock-and you gotta love that name-has to get rough with him, because
he doesn't like the guy addressing him as buddy, pal, or chum. One of my boss' called me buddy a lot, and I disliked it. Very patronizing, if you will.

Yes, it was a BAD movie. But it was a great relic from yesteryear. Circa 1958. And the Falcons blew it, when Deangelo Hall had 62 yards worth of penalties called against him during a drive in the 3rd quarter.

Ya gotta love those old movies from back in the day. And the poor Falcons, who have never had an easy time of winning.

To those with baited breath, v.c.

P.S. The picture of Darth Vader sums up "the dark side of the force." And whatever happened to "synchronicity." May THAT force be with you!+

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