Thursday, September 15, 2005

"What Were They Thinking? More Proof The World Is Going MAD!" And Great For Race Relations!

Churchgoing Grandma Jailed Over Sausage
Accused of Looting, She Spent Over Two Weeks Locked Up
By KEVIN MCGILL, AP KENNER, Louisiana (Sept. 15) - Merlene Maten undoubtedly stood out in the prison where she has been held since Hurricane Katrina. The 73-year-old church deaconess, never before in trouble with the law, spent two weeks among hardened criminals. Her bail was a stiff $50,000.
Her offense?
Police say the grandmother from New Orleans took $63.50 in goods from a looted deli the day after Katrina struck.
Family and eyewitnesses insisted Maten was an innocent woman who had gone to her car to get some sausage to eat only to be mistakenly arrested by tired, frustrated white officers who couldn't catch younger looters at a nearby store.
Despite intervention from the nation's largest senior lobby, volunteer lawyers from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and even a private attorney, the family fought a futile battle for 16 days to get her freed.
Maten's diabetes, her age, not even her lifelong record of community service could get the system moving. Even the store owner didn't want her charged. "She has slipped through the cracks and the wheels of justice have stopped turning," her attorney Daniel Beckett Becnel III said, frustrated
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1 comment:


Thats so weird and f*cked! While I was watching CNN last week, I remember the reporters clearly stating that looting was aloud if it was food- because it was better if the people could salvage what was left. That is ludicrous! Anyway, cool blog!
