Monday, August 08, 2005

"M.I.T. Graduate"

Tonite's "Scary Movie Moment" # 2 will have to be postponed until tomorrow. Those who tuned in and are disappointed are tendered my apologies in advance. But due to no one's fault but my own I must admit a serious gaffe got by my proof reader and my part-time mathematician. When my "Psycho" foray erred, er, aired a few days ago [ smelly underarms at the Bijou ] my personal Math Whiz on staff miscalculated the ages between Sis and me. I said "7 years my junior," when any M.I.T. graduate could deduce the correct age difference is 6 years 4 months. My sincere apologies to my readers and to my darling l'il sister, Olga Raven. For those who were particularly distressed i.e. faulty subtraction-must be a victim of "new math, eh?-will be pleased to know the math genius has been termed. Which is a polite way of saying his ass was canned. Gimme shelter, v.c. P.S. Number "2" debuts tomorrow. Clue: It's tag line was: "In space no one can hear you scream." Clue 2: Starred Tom Skerritt.[ top billing ] Knew that would give it away. Clue 3: Also starred Sigourney Weaver as Ripley. P.S.S. Believe it or not! Posted by Picasa

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