Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Our house is a two story one. There are ten of us, eleven with David. A correction is in order: David is a 5th degree wizard as opposed to sorcerer, which was erroneously mentioned in my previous foray. Raven seemed to think the two are interchangeable, so it will be left as is.

The group of folks attending are a mixed bag, including one hillbilly from Georgia. SO far no one in the town or our group has commented on my southern accent. Thank goodness for that! Maybe California has expanded its consciousness. Aho!

I have my own bed, a queen size one at that. Thank you, Great Creator, a term that is bandied about quite a bit amongst my fellow attendees.

The spirit is high; the people are really nice. They have accepted the hillbilly as one of the group. I am appreciative of that.

We have been having superb food, and most of it has been prepared by _________. Her name is not disclosed due to the anonymity required here. Fresh fruit, whole wheat toast, whole wheat sour dough, eggs scrambled, sunny side up, and over easy to name a few. Plus yogurt, cottage cheese, and cereal. The residents prior to us left Cherrios, Cocoa Puffs, and Fruit Loops, which were unanimously derided as not being worthy of consumption.

Lunch has been sandwiches and salads. And some are very careful about what goes into their tummies.

"I'm picky about what I eat," is the modus operandi here.

I told them all how I love me some seafood. A slight twist on the seafood diet cliche. When I mention how I love seafood, it's normally met with "me too"; or "too much mercury for me"; or "I am a vegan-sorry." That leaves more seafood for me, so I'm a happy camper. Pun UNINTENDED! ( See "Checking In" foray! )

I have never been around so much organic food. And we have eaten vast quantities of salads. With cucumbers, tomatoes, purple onions, faded purple olives, walnuts, and more.

Last night we cheated somewhat and Raven along with _______ prepared a vegetarian chili and a ground beef one, with organic kydney beans, onions,tomatoes and bell peppers. And mexican cornbread-with an organic jalapeno pepper-except the mix was sweet, so an oxymoron at best.

I should have taken notes as to what we ate each day, as my memory is a little hazy, but you get my drift. Plus, with all the hiking and the session work, it has been quite easy to lose a few pounds here. I signed an oath in blood-just kidding-to preserve the anonymity of the people attending and their work, but I can disclose my own sessions, which will follow in later forays.

All this exercise and alchemy tutelage has left me tired and well, sleepy. So it's gimme shelter time, as I look forward to french toast on fancy shmantzy bread-no Kroger white bread here-for tomorrow's breakfast. With yogurt, cottage cheese, bean sprouts, soy milk, fresh garlic, ginger....- sleepy, very sleepy.

P.S. I will be reporting on some session work in my next foray. Did I fire my mom and get a new one? Did I retire her with an obligatory gold watch? OR did I keep her? Ditto for Dad.

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