Thursday, March 13, 2008

"Pure Fluff"

As are most of my other forays into the infantile.

I had a crush on my red-headed 4th grade teacher, Miss Wise. Back in those pre-historic days, Ms. hadn't been invented. It would take Gloria Steinem or Helen Gurdy Brown to change all of that.

Miss Wise was hot. One day she was rummaging through her pocketbook, and I could see a pack of cigarettes. Disillusioned was I that my girl friend smoked. How could she do that to me. I never thought of her in the same vein, even tho' my crush lingered on until the end of the year.

I never saw her again, as we moved to another neighborhood the following year. Wonder if she's still alive? Or if she still smokes? Or if she's hooked-up to an iron lung? I doubt she is the stunning redhead she once was, because she's got to be in her late 60's.

I was hot for Miss Wise and hot for teacher. Apologies to Van Halen.

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