Sunday, October 14, 2007


It was reported in my last foray into the mercantile, er, infantile that Post Secret had accrued over one million hits, but unless there's a decimal point I'm missing, the blog has received a hundred million hits. Is that even possible?

Shirley not. Care to weigh in on this one, Hoots.

Tree falling in the woods making a....sound? v.c.

P.S. The soap opera known as the Falcons plays on MNF tomorrow. Do the Birds rise to the occasion, or will they be like lambs to the slaughter.

1 comment:

Hoots said...

I don't pay a lot of attention to numbers, so a million or hundred million is all the same to me. It's way past my little corner of the world. Curious to know what the big numbers look like I did some searching and came up with this. Gizmodo and Gawker monthly traffic counts run into millions. Other sites are equally impressive.


How many people read anything and really get the point? Seems to me a lot of minds are already made up. For them, reading is more an exercise in stroking cognitive dissonance than looking for anything new. A changed mind is a rare occurrance.

Here is an interesting interview with the guy who started Post Secret. It was apparently done as he was coming up on a hundred million hits.