Saturday, September 16, 2006

"Fast Times at Rowdy High"


Whatever happened to the class of '69, Slippery? click here!

v.c. became a cafeteria manager and made beaucoups money. But worked his ass off and has little ass left to show for his efforts. His current boss in the wonderful world of food bizdom is a dickhead, which has been well-chronicled in yesteryear's posts, er, forays. Btw, what the fork was I thinking?

sam, er, george had a good gig at the hospital and saw it grow from an acorn into a big oak. what thanks did he get? None, when they shoved his ass out the door.

ley went to fight in the jungles of viet nam and came home in a body bag, allah bubba of forrest gump fame.

greg went from being the star quarterback to doctor of psychology or some bull-shit and is now stationed in the city my friend marty calls home. Boca Raton, that is. greg, who was born in the deep south, along with most of the rest of us, is now a liberal, allah olga in san francisco.

bob went from being the star tackle and receiving a scholarship to clemson to selling LSD on the streets.

conservative keith stayed conservative all his life and is now working for a trucking company in jawja. he married his high school sweetheart, had one child ( conservative, too ) and leads a blissful life.

steve became an art afficionado and sends me silly e mails. however, i like getting them.

bogus is still bogus. he joined the navy after being ditched by his girl friend. served in bahrain via columbia, married a belly dancer, had one child, got divorced, remarried, and went completely bald, allah his daddy, sweet lucy.

nancy, rowdy high's chief cheerleader, married greg ( see above ) and had a child, and they named her natalie after natalie wood.

edward was a trombonist at r.h. he of the '64 mass integration into the schools. he embodied the dialect of the african-american at the time. All for oil; ax for ask; etc. don't think he said "boo" or "it's all good." those were to come much later. seems edward became a customer at v.c.'s cafeteria and would pop in from time to time. my most memorable recollection of edward was his saying: "dem things nasty."

the writer of the pond apologizes in advance for abruptly ending tonite's foray. Why? Because I'm a'sleepy.

say goodnite, v.c.

p.s. goodnite, v.c.

p.s.s. poor sam. forkers.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodnite, v.c. Apology accepted for ending the foray, but just wanted you to know, I did not know all that about those folks. I think I can identify most of the ones you mentioned, but not oil, I mean ALL of them. Good info... good read..... Thanks.


P.S.: "dem things nasty"