Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Thank You Buy Owner, er, Thank You Corona!"


Thanks to the anonymous poster who was kind enough to leave 5 comments. Seems he had had too many brewskies as evidenced by his stumbling, bungling attempts at leaving a message. But because the comments have been minimal lately-at best-his thoughtful remarks were well received here on the Pond.

While imbibing makes it easier to write the forays, a steady diet is not in the [ tarot ] cards. Unfortunately, the catfish has to work for a living and needs his rest sans booze.

Struggling more than usual here, maybe a cold corona with an obligatory lime would help matters, but once again, it's beddy-bye time and this writer is ready for some z's.

P.S. Would the anonymous poster hail from Florida, perhaps?

P.S.S. We finally got some rain, which fell mainly on the plain.
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