Monday, May 02, 2005


My friend and confidante, Mr. BBQ Man, asked me tonite if I was bored?

"Huh?" I answered. Knowing where he was going.

Seems he thinks I spend too much time blogging.

In response to his query I countered with:

"Some people go to air shows. Some people like to ride their Harleys down highways lined with lush palm trees as sea breezes splash in their faces. Some people like to beat their wives. Some like to drink themselves into a drunken stupor. Some like to collect stamps. Some folks like to go to baseball games. Me? I like to write forays into the infantile. What's wrong with that?"

I write these things with a quickness. It's my way of relaxing. And my way of unwinding and having fun. Grabbing the pictures is as easy as 1, 2, 3. So....

The BBQ Man was worried about me a few weeks ago-see my "Mad as Hell" post, starring Glen Campbell. So I write, er, right myself, and he's still complaining. Go figga, my trigga. You can't win, eh? Regardless, I will carry on despite the criticism.

And my core readership is expanding. I recently picked up an old friend from Rowdy High. And my quest for post 2000 is right around the corner. So what if my old friend, hoots, is going strong for 10,000.

So maybe this will clear up his query. Why? Am I bored? Well, my libido ain't what it used to be. I ain't exactly a spring chicken anymore. After work I look forward to composing and writing quick vignettes-my creative side, eh? And watchin' the wheels. No longer riding on the merry-go-round....Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. The blog is like a diary. That chronicles your life day to day. Shirley, I could spend time helping the homeless at a shelter. Or maybe I could invite a foreign exchange student to G.P. I could get involved in politics. Or better yet, run for governor of my fair state. Governor v.c. has a certain ring. Gimme shelter.

P.S.S. Bloodrock, eh? I was shirley, er, sure it was Kudzu! Did you ever see Iron Butterfly? They opened for "The Turtles" back in the day at the Auditorium. Most of the crowd left after butterfly. Two different cultures. So happy together. I saw a few wrestling matches there, too. Lou Thesz, Louie Tillet, The Assassins, Ramon and Ricky Hernandez, and Farmer Powell. And who can forget Chief Little Eagle and Ray Gunkel?

P.S.S.S. Tonite's trivia question: "Irregardless." What does it mean? Is it a word?


vietnamcatfish said...

You are still my bro in shtick and spirit. Mebbe one day I will buy a Harley and ride the highways and by
ways of sunny Florida. And cruise down to Key West in search of corral, er, coral.

I am in quest of 2000 hits for G.P. Nothing can stop me now. Many thanks to you for contributing to the total. Gimme shelter, v.c.

Anonymous said...

No, I don't remember the movie, "Charade". I do however remember Ray Gunkle and Chief Little Eagle. C.L.E. was one of my favorites. Remember his "war dance"? After that, it was over for the opponent. I remember those other guys, too. I went to a couple matches at the city auditorium, also one taped for TV.
Remember the announcer, Ed Capril, on TV? (Not sure of spelling of his last name).

Later, V.C.