Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Me and my friend, who will remain anonymous, used to frequent this theatre back in the haze. We would either go to the wrestling matches or catch a soft-porn feature at the Central. One of our favourite flicks we saw there was "The Lustful Turk." Pirates running amok capturing bounty and booty. The Turk, however, lost his johnson at the end and exclaimed to the brothel of ladies, "Now, I am one of you!" I forget how this happened but in today's world, "The Lustful Turk" would be tame stuff. And would be rated "R" for Rowdy. Most of the flicks at the Central were shot in glorious black and white, but "The Turk" was one of the few in colour. ( Must have had a big budget ) And because it was the 60's, most of the plots revolved around the characters smoking pot and then "gettin' it on." They don't make 'em like they used to, v.c. Posted by Hello

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