Friday, March 17, 2006

"Write About What You Know...."

Is the general consensus of advice to fledgling writers. I'm not so sure this writer fits into this category, because he has been writing daily for 5 years. Damn, time flies when your havin' fun.

So after considerable thought, the author of G.P. has decided to write an expose on the wonderful world of the food biz. Coming soon to this web site.

Stay tuned!

P.S. We, who have savored the food biz experience, know that it ain't what it's cracked up to be.

1 comment:

Hoots said...

I'm looking forward to this. There are eight million stories in the naked kitchen. Yours can be one of them.

I remember having lunch once with a former colleague. We both happened to be having blackeyed peas.
"How are your peas?" he asked.
"Okay." I said.
"Yeah, mine are okay, too. But they're not delicious. Peas need to be delicious."
He got up from the table right then. He didn't wait. He went back to the line, then the kitchen, then back to the table. I don't remember if he had another serving of peas or not, but when he resumed eating I said, "You get them fixed?"
"Yeah. They're right now. They'll be delicious."

Great lesson. Great example. I didn't forget.