Saturday, July 02, 2011

"Dear Cat"

This dear cat is a dramatization of an actual event:

Dear Cat: I once worked in the cafeteria biz. Long hours too if you will. Don't ask me how it was during the holidays with catering and customers/guests who commanded instant gratification. I moved on after listening to the song "the cat in the cradle" by Harry Chapin ( pun unintended ). From there I became a counselor. It wasn't quite my niche; so I went to work for George Zimmer, because he looked like a sharp dressed man on the boob tube. He had a radiant smile and a catchy ad line: "I guarantee it." But, alas, I'm not happy and want to move on again. DO you have any suggestions. Signed: ex supervisor of the bain maries and other assorted duties.

Dear bain marie: Because I receive no remuneration for writing this column, and because I have no gainful employment, you and I share the same boat. But there's hope and light at the end of the tunnel. Cos I have just the job(s) for you. And thanks to Yahoo's article:

Start a New Career at Any Age/Check out these hot options for career switchers of all ages:

I like this one, in particular:

#3 - Paralegal

Reliability is likely more top-of-mind than age in this profession, since lawyers depend upon paralegals to assist them in just about every part of the legal process. Strong written and verbal communication skills are important, so any prior work history that demonstrates this may come in handy. In addition to researching and interviewing witnesses, paralegals often help proofread documents and prepare contracts.

There are 4 more fields, bain marie. Check 'em out and good luck in your search.

P.S. You're gonna look good in one of these fields;I guarantee it.

P.S.S. Apologies to George Zimmer

P.S. III: What in the world is a bain marie, anyway? Thanks for the query!


Anonymous said...

Dear Cat,

Have been to a couple interviews. Nothing yet, there doesn't seem to be a big market for bald, over-weight, myopic, washed up leaders of the bain marie set. One interview may pan out with a friend and ex-lubys pig who runs a commercial and residential estabished insulation company ala six days on the road in west texas and i'm gonna be home tonight. An avp for george called and asked how my last interview went, to which i replied, "which one?" I told him that working for him was not life or death to me---life or death was the emergency room where i was a guest numerous times. it is just a job not a career and i am not some starry eyed 25 year old looking to set a sales record and no i will not shade the truth to close the sale nor get into semantics and in the end lie to a customer-----it is just not that important to me. thanks for the shout out. rock on lubys

vietnamcatfish said...

Dear Rock, I hear ya. I haven't gone bald but have a receding hairline and s balding crown. Remember when Yul Brynner was the only cool bald guy in the world.

Interesting tales. Hope it works out for you.

The world seems to have changed after 9/11. Gone with the wind were the warm fuzzies and in came the mean-spiritedness.

Rock on Luby's. Cat