Saturday, May 17, 2008

"Family Affair"

My mom is now in rehab. And is doing good except for her cough. Methinks she may have gotten it from me. As mentioned earlier, I had been stricken with a form of the Hong-Kong flu and felt like shit. It lasted for a couple of weeks, and yet, as usual, I never missed work trudging through it all.

Did anyone give a shit that I worked while sick? A resounding "Hell no!" Most didn't know I was sick. Only a cough and my eyes betrayed me.

Mom is back to her anal self, so that's a good sign.

"Is this the nightgown you wanted?" I asked.

"No, I wanted the frilly-dilly-willy one. You got the shrilly-nilly-silly one!"

"I will take this one back and try again."

"I think my son is color-blind," she said somewhat rhetorically.

Oh, well. It's as Roseanne Rosanadanna used to lament: "It's always something!"

Gimme shelter, v.c.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Cat,

Phi Zappa Crappa. rock on luby's
