Sunday, April 29, 2007

"The Catfish Returneth" or "Old Brown Shoe"

Yours truly has been on somewhat of a sabbatical. Plus I am not privy to a laptop or my old computer which lays dormant in me mum's house. And which used to wreak of tobacco smoke until it aired out free of Sir Walter Raleigh inhalants.

On Monday I WAS privy to a stomach virus. It's the worst I've felt in a long time. Fever, nausea, aches and the inevitable discharges from the "sun don't shine" area. Even barfed once. But it was quick and to the point. Thank goodness.

All this was going on whilst on my way to Tennessee. For two more weeks of fun and games. I am not one who ever called out sick, but the poor boy ( yours truly ) missed two days. But it cost me. I must return in about 3 days to make up a class. Bummer, dude.

This is one of those nights where I'm struggling to write the prose, so it's time to bid a brief farewell and adieu.

Life is like a box of chocolates, v.c.

P.S. I did see the new flick which stars Halle Berry and Bruce Willis. Forget the name of it. ( see onset of old age ) Very clever whodoneit

P.S.S. An old George Harrison tune which is fantastic. ( imho )

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