Thursday, February 22, 2007


As I pen tonite's foray. the inevitable question arises: is there anyone out there who reads "Golden Pond?" I thought yers truly had cancelled his subscription to his new counter when, lo and behold, out of nowhere came an email announcing the latest hits to the Pond.

Alas, it was heartbreaking to learn that not one soul had viewed my efforts for the month. Boo hoo and all that.

To increase traffic, perhaps I need to add some famous names to this particular foray. Let's see:

1) Anna Nicole Smith

2) Lisa Nowak

3) Simon Cowell

4) Rosie O'Donnell

5) Donald Trump

6) American Idol

7) Barack Obama

8) Britney Spears

9) "Somebody's Got To Say It" author Neal Boortz

10) Star of stage and screen, er, Hootsbuddy's Place

Now, maybe I'll get some hits!

Gimme shelter, v.c.

P.S. To get in the spirit of tonite's foray, here's:

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