Friday, December 23, 2005

"Merry Christmas"


From Kitty; Charlie Jr.; Katlain; Penny Lane, our trusty canine; Neil Diamond, our black cat; and yours truly, we want to wish all of you a Merry, Merry Christmas.

Thanks to me pals Bbq and Hoots, Hoots and Bbq, who both have inspired me to greater heights in the past.

And to me pals Slippery and Rockhead, who seem to enjoy the mad musings of the demented catfish.

And in case they're viewing Merry Christmas to my sister, Olga, the left-wing liberal extremist of the clan and her daughter, Katherine; Amberoonie and her family including Simba [ see Penny Lane and Neil Diamond ]; Kitty's mom, Babe, and her brother, Francois; and all of my crazy relatives who inhabit various domiciles throughout this great land of ours.

And if I've left anybody out, I apologize in advance.

Have a cool Yule! v.c. and clan
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1 comment:

Hoots said...

And Merry Christmas to you as well!
I have put up a solemn post today (Christmas Eve) which I aim to leave a the top of the blog until tomorrow. (It took a long time to put it together and it made me have tears and take a break when I was putting it together, so I don't want it to go unread.)

But I have found a couple of cheerful videos to link tomorrow. Hope you and yours have a great holiday.

This may be the first time in nearly twenty years I can expect to be OFF for Christmas Day. Really off. Not obligated either to work or report even for a short time. It's a great relief not to be in charge!