Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"The Fish As A Yuppie, er, Guppie"

The fish [ yours truly ] has always liked to write. Even as a youngster of 10 years old, I started an opus by hunting and pecking the keys on an old Royal typewriter owned by my Aunt Mad. More about her later.

The story line involved 3 sailors who cruised the seven seas having adventures. Tiger Sharkey, Billy Budd, and Ivan Trotsky. The writing was atrocious but what can you expect from an adolescent. For some reason I liked to have dinner scenes.

The men were tired and famished. Having had numerous adventures during the day, the men were hungry. It was Tiger Sharkey's turn to cook: "Hey, rustle us up some food, Tiger. We are starving," said Billy.

"Coming right up, men."

The festive dinner consisted of salted pork, beans, and toasted biscuits.

"Yum, that was good," Ivan said.

"Yeah. Good night, men. Let's get some rest, because I think new adventures loom on the horizon. We will travel to the Islands of Bagueeze in the morning aboard our vessel, the Hoki Juan, tomorrow," Tiger said as he suppressed a big yawn.

"Darn good meal, Tiger."

The next day Tiger awoke the others to the smell of bacon, eggs and beans. be continued

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