Friday, November 07, 2014


San Fran beat the Royals. In the World Series. It was a serious series. Seriously.

I won again at Y Knots. I beat Kevin heads up. This time the prize was $30. Not 500. Seriously, as we had a serious series of hands.

It's getting colder and the "it's colder than a witch's titty" comes to mind. Global warming anyone? Let's have a serious conversation and dialogue around the country. Libs believe there's a threat, and conservatives discount the notion. What else is new?

The ebola panic has died down.

Seriously sharp cheese is made by Cabot. Seriously.

I would love to compose a "Dear Cat." Seriously. Not sure I can still do it.

Dear Cat: The election was Tuesday. Did you vote? The Repubs had a grand day. Winning the Senate. Ga.'s David Perdue won over Michelle Nunn, she of political lineage ( Sam Nunn ); and Nathan Deal defeated Jason Carter. Jimma Carter anyone? What was your take? Signed: And whatever happened to Billy Beer?

Dear Billy Beer: I voted but only God and the voting booth know what candidates garnered my votes. Do I color my hair at age 62? Only my hairdresser knows for sure. Yes, I was surprised by the elections. But there's a texas hold 'em tournament tonight at YKnots, so I don't have time to pontificate. Seriously.

"Fit as a fiddle" and "full as a tick" were expressions I heard as a kid. Needless to say, you don't hear these any longer.

Time to end the update.

Gimme shelter!

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Time for ketchup and pass the grey poupon.

Kudos to the KC Royals for outlasting the Oakland A's in extra innings.

I have now become obsessed with "Forensic Files." Are people that devious and stupid to think they can get away with murder.

The Braves suck as usual and didn't make the playoffs. Gone is Frank Wren, the gm, and the hitting coach resigned today. Freddi Gonzalez should be looking for a new job....and soon.

Gordon Ramsey is a pompous puck. But his shows are entertaining.

Old Betsy. my Buick Park Avenue, has a new sister. Haven't named her yet, but she is a Buick LeSabre. 2005 model which suits and fits my 6 foot 5 inch frame just fine.

Winning the lottery has evaded me. So trips around the worls, villas on the Mediterranean, and charitable donations are on hold....for the moment. 1 in 80 zillion aren't the best  odds.

Pat yourself on the back: yours truly ousted 64 contestants in the Ga Poker Nights monthly tournament.
And won $500 smackers. Humble to a fault I outplayed my last adversary. Beat him like a drum-he didn't know what hit him.

Big as all cuffy is an expression my mom used a lot. Meaning you're a pompus puck.

Piccadilly Cafeteria keeps airing ads on the boob tube. Nuff said. Thanks for the mammaries.

Farewell and adieu. The poupon is delish.

P.S. Please pass the jelly.

Friday, August 15, 2014

"Dear Rock"

Thanks for stopping by. I'm taking a break from you can see. I have been busy with other things and haven't taken the time to put anything on here.

I'm hanging in there. Hope you're doing fine. I saw where the Westmoreland Piccadilly has shut its doors. It had been in business since 1959.

I became aware of this thanks to pictruandtru via Facebook. 

If I could get my Picasa up and running perhaps I could get engaged again. 

I have just been working, watching Forensic Files, and playing Texas Hold 'Em at the bars around Golden Pond.

Thanks again for stopping by. Farewell and adieu, Cat

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Pax the Storm" Rejected Titles

Pax is the name of the storm that crippled the southeast and is now causing havoc in the northeast. I'm wondering where the name Pax originated. After some investigative research, it was learned that these names were rejected. All prospective names had to begin with a p.

1) Pickahilly. Rejected. Pickahilly seemed too insensitive to those finding traction impossible on the slippery slopes.

2) Phart. Rejected. As we all know carbon monoxide and emission controls emit an onerous smell. Similar to a Poot, which was also rejected for obvious reasons.

3) Prawns. Rejected. Too prissy for the general public. Especially for those who say sce-nar-io instead of sce-nair-io.

4) Prissy. Rejected. Too many of the on-air commentators are prissy,and it may have distracted the viewing public. Were they talking about themselves or the storm?

5) Pimple. Rejected. For obvious reasons, Zit was considered until realized it began with a z.

6)Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers. Rejected. Copyright laws forbade the name. and the prissy commentators may have had trouble with the infamous tongue twisters.

7) Pi. Rejected. More confusion. Are we talking pie or pir2?

8) Pneumonia. Rejected. Viewers would expect the p to be pronounced in keeping with the "p" directives.

9) PhillyPhanatic. Rejected. Non baseball fans wouldn't get it.

10) Pear. Rejected, Avocado pear or bartlett pear. And what does either have to do with a storm?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

:It's Colder than the Proverbial Witch's Titty"

Yep. I'm reminded of yesteryear when it was always cold in the winter. Lately, the winter's have been mild. Not this year. Brrrrrr!

So a post from yesteryear is in order. Here goes!!

"Another Post From Yesteryear: Circa 2006 or 2005"

"Global Warming"

I am always amused by those who claim that global warming is wreaking havoc on the earth. How do they know? What scientific data have they read? And if they quote data, how reliable is it?

I have no idea if global warming exists. I'm too busy writing infantile forays "On Golden Pond" to know. Or to find out. And how do you find out? My sister, Olga, believes there is global warming. My brother-in-law, Francois, believes in global warming. And he's a conservative.

And, Shirley, Hillary Clinton, Bill, John Kerry, Michael Moore, and followers of their ilk believe in g.w.

I wonder how they know. What info are they privy, too, that I don't know. 

From last year, here's my take on global warming:

posted by vietnamcatfish at 9:10 PM 2 comments

Saturday, January 22, 2005
Thank God for Global Warming!
The weather outside is frightful
But inside it's so delightful.

Bangor, Maine is reporting temps of 29 below. Thank goodness for global warming. Or the poor souls of the northeast corner would REALLY be freezing their asses off. And the rest of the northeast is under a winter weather advisory. Must be an aberration, eh? Shirley, by next week, the world will return to normal and the polar icecaps will continue to melt as they make their assaults on Mother Earth.

Is it too late to swear in John Kerry? I-among others including Senator Boxer-demand a recount. Those poor disenfranchised voters who had to wait in long 
lines. And who had to give up the fight because their asses were cold, er,their legs hurt.

Damn, CBS, er, Fox news is showing the blizzard conditions in New York City. 3 feet of snow is expected. And Cleveland, Ohio, home to some of the d.v's. Snowing like crazy. "Nasty, nasty night" in Philadelphia claims the savvy Fox reporter doing an on-location "live" report. 16 degrees is expected at game time for tomorrow's NFL showdown.

In fact, the weather is "The Big Story" on Fox. And it's bad in Washington, D.C. as well. Thank goodness for global warming. Can you imagine the mess we'd be in tonite without it? I shudder [ pun unintended ] to think of the implications.

Uh oh. Here comes the obligatory "don't go out unless you have to." They've got to be kidding. Only an idiot would travel those roads. And idiots don't pay heed to
advisories so what's the point.

Global warming? Thank you oh omnipotent force. And may its force be with you. As your freezing your asses off.

Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. Opting to go and get in my warm bed instead of engaging in postscripts, so's I'll have some ass left.