Thursday, June 12, 2008

"More From the Exciting World of Foodbizdom And The World In Which We, Er, Live"


Ketchup and cooked sauces are not affected by the outbreak. And several restaurants are not serving tomatoes — on Monday, McDonald's said it had stopped serving sliced tomatoes in its U.S. restaurants.

As most of you know:

A salmonella outbreak linked to raw tomatoes serves as a reminder to take extra care with summer fruits and vegetables.

My favorite line from the article:

Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly before handling food, says Blakeslee. Wash your hands if you come in contact with pet feces, use the bathroom or change a baby's diaper.

I would never have thought to wash my hands after changing a baby's diaper, so yours truly is passing it on in hopes of saving you and your loved ones from a heartbreak of foodborne illness or the like.

You say tomato and I say tomahto, v.c.

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