Friday, October 27, 2006

"Picture Time Returns"


This one's a classic, and I must admit, that I was well into adulthood before viewing it for the first time. Sort of like declining from my buddy, Paulie, to see "Casablanca," at the late late show just off the campus of "Truck U., my old alma mater. Circa 19 and 72 or was it 73?

I never saw the attraction of Bogie until later in life. But the boy had charisma out the ying-yang. Because he wasn't particularly good-looking, and he wasn't tall. But the dames dug him. And he was a tough hombre.

So now when any of his movies are playing on the tv, yours truly will more than likely indulge.

They don't make 'em....v.c. ( click here for a funny clip from "Play It Again, Sam."

P.S. The democrats Shirley love this movie. The Nazis are wreaking havoc with civilization. ( circa World War I ) The new-wave dems like to bandy the term "Nazis" around, whenever anyone disagrees with them. Eh?  Posted by Picasa

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