Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Yeah, Right!"


"The Food Biz Sux" by vietnamcatfish
by: vietnamcatfish (39/M/golden pond) 04/20/06 02:11 am
Msg: 7568 of 7568

I have come to the realization that the food biz sux a big donkey .... I actually came to this conclusion years ago, but because they kept "showing me the money," I stayed and stayed and stayed.

In hindsight, I now see where I forked up. The food biz today is a cutthroat, dog eat dog, environment.

Then there's the customers/guests/forkers who can be a big pain in the ass. Due to extensive training on the battleground of HellWhole, I believe I can handle most any situations.

Then there's the passive-aggressive bosses who have type A personalities out the ying-yang. And who have a hard time dealing with the laid-back catfish.

Fork 'em all, cos they really consider you to be just "another brick in the stalls." At least at my new digs, whenever I happen to come across a brick in the stalls, [ euphemism ] I can just "walk away, Renee." Yes, there is a God!

In conclusion, I must reiterate: "the food biz sux." And for those who don't work there, please do me a favor. Don't say:

"It's Friday!" Friday to food biz personnel means "it's just another day." [ thanks go out to Paul Mac ]

"Your chili has too many beans."

"Your prices are too high!"

"Give Susie a raise!"


This foray may be misinterpreted by the viewing public. My stream of consciousness was written calmly and with no anger, whatsoever.
The new business buzzword says it all: "It is what it is!"

Fork, v.c.

P.S. When coming into contact with a food service employee, whether it be at Burger King, McDonalds, Hardee's, say a kind word to the people working there. They put up with a lot of crap while standing on their feet all day.

P.S.S. For more exhilirating repartee, visit my blog. Please hit this link. I am trying to catch the hootster. 32 thou to 8 thou sux. So hit it often. Please! My self-esteem may be at stake.
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