Monday, March 07, 2005

Mad As Hell Revisited

It's been a while since I, v.c., have written any forays into the infantile, much less anything of substance.

Apologies go out to Glen Campbell who must have been having a bad hairday when his picture was taken.

I remember that he was an excellent guitarist and played on some Beachboy's stuff. Then he went out on his own and recorded "Wichita Lineman" and "By the Time I Get To Phoenix." Because of his popularity he was given his own variety show.

My wife's stepfather used to watch the show-he also liked Hee-Haw-and after a few drinks, he would mimic G.C.'s voice with a rousing:

"Hi. I'm Glenn Campbell."

Just looked it up on google. Yes, he was in "True Grit." Along with the Duke, who finally won an academy award for his portrayal of Rooster Cogburn. Campbell played "La Bouef." Is that pronounced La Boo or is it La Boof or is it La Bo? Maybe some of the La. readers can come to the rescue.

Well, that's about it. Another post about nothing. But at least it's a start.

Farewell and adieu, eh? v.c.

P.S. You may now disembark the nite train-ready to crash and burn-I never learn. ( A tip of the cap to catfitch. )

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