Thursday, November 01, 2012

Pascual Perez killed during robbery in Dominican

Pascual Perez has died in the Dominican Republic. Due to an apparent robbery. And a knife wound to the heart. Just as a segue, a friend of mine calls the region the Dom-i-nican Republic.

Anyway, Pascual gained notoriety as an Atlanta Brave, when on a scheduled start he missed the Fulton County exit and traveled the length of  I-285 which circles Hotlanta. Some 66 miles.

He even changed his jersey name to I-285, allah Chad Ochocinco. 30 years ago.

Pascual played for the Braves during the Joe Torre regime. He was a good pitcher but never realized much success.

This story is just a sideline due to the disaster in New York but still a tragedy. 

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