Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Not sure when the word "scrum" first eased its way onto the landscape. And dictionary.com didn't give me a good definition-something about a play in rugby. We're talking football here. American football.

Long story short! Scrum: ( my definition ) When 6 or more football players from each team end up in a heap on the ground-normally in pursuit of a running back or a loose ball, aka fumble.

This word came into vogue in the new millennium. And all football announcers use the term. I don't like it, of course, cos I'm from the old skool. lol!

I just can't see Curt Gowdy or Pat Summeral saying that back in the 60's, 70's etc.

"Who's got the ball, Pat?"

"It's somewhere in the scrum, Curt!"


Anyway. tonite's tale involves a scrum. And how embarrassing for the player. It's a short clip:

You may see players in the same uniform run into each other or accidentally trip someone or inadvertently bring someone down in a scrum, but I can't remember ever seeing a guy seek out his teammate and bring him down like McIver did.

P.S. Evidently, the umpire made a racist comment towards a player. My Japanese is a little rusty so ....

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