Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Christmas Time"

It's almost Christmas. So Golden Pond would like to do its part in supplying the spirit. Each day until the merry holiday on the 25th, the proprietor of these parts will include a Christmas song.

Tonite's first one will be a tune from back in the day. Must have been early sixties because the Catfish family had this one and it spun around the turntable at 45 rpm's. I do remember the 78 rpms. Brittle as grandma's peanut concoctions. Once as a young whiskersnapper, I accidentally stepped on "Robin Hood" riding through the glen by Nelson Riddle and his band. When listening after that, there was a distinct click every revolution. Pissed me off it did.

Speaking of tonite's singer, his movie "Roustabout" and one of my favorites is on the telly. So it's time to wrap ( pun ) this up.

And whatever happened to the "Jordanaires. Or is it Jordannaires?

P.S. Dear Bobby Petrino. Good luck at Arkansas. Offensive genius? Huh?

P.S.S. Rock, what happened to the Cowboys? The media was blaming Jessica Simpson for Romo's culpability in the loss? What's the scoop? Were you happy to see "The Tuna" leave Dallas? And do you every visit the grassy knoll? Or the depository? Conspiracy? And what about the Warren Report, eh?


Anonymous said...

T.H.E. Cat,

According to the online S.I. The Tuna is moving to the vacinity of Golden Pond. Romo is a Romomaniac and will bounce back. I have not been to the knoll but have been to the mountain, I have not been to the depository, but have been to the suppository, and the Warren report is used to cover up a vast conspiracy. Rock on Luby's


Anonymous said...

T.H.E. Cat,

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No Tuna to be found on or near Golden Pond. Rock on Luby's


vietnamcatfish said...

No Tuna on Golden Pond. Good one, Rock. Too bad for Arthur. He flew to New York to cement [ pond ] the deal but got stood-up [ apologies to Ricky Nelson ] by the prom queen again.

Seems no one wants the job. The Tuna is headin' to Miam[a] Beach. This apology to Ed Sullivan. Lucy, what happened? And whatever happened to Ricky Ricardo? And Fred and Ethel Mertz?

Seems the Clampetts are gonna take up residence again. The Dome and Atlanta Fulton County Stadium must have been built on an Indian burial ground allah Poltergeist.

And whatever happened to Craig T. Nelson?