Monday, November 06, 2006

"John Kerry As The Manchurian Candidate?"


The following article comes from "down under" via Belgium. Thanks to Shirley from sunny and blue Hawaii. Posted by Picasa

IN John Frankenheimer's electrifying 1962 thriller The Manchurian Candidate, an American soldier is captured by communists during the Korean War, brainwashed and programmed to return to the US and, years later, to assassinate a presidential candidate.
There is compelling evidence now that John Kerry is a kind of Manchurian Candidate of Democratic politics.

It seems entirely possible that at some point in his career he was seized by a youthful Karl Rove, brainwashed and programmed to kill off, at crucial moments in American history, the Democratic Party's political prospects.

The clues were there all along, if we'd only looked closely enough. His curious combination of self-satisfied superiority and baffled indecisiveness was obviously too contradictory a mental characteristic to be natural. His ponderous oratorical style and studied condescension suggested something artificial had interfered with the firing of the synapses.

To read the entire article click here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good catch! As I was reading, when I got to "assassinate his party..." it looked for a second like "ass-hat-ssinate."
That's what we call snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Off-topic, but you might find it interesting...Check out Sullivan's find that one of Olivia Newton-John's grandfathers "was Max Born, the Nobel-prize-winning physicist..."
Interesting short read.