Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Leave It To Beaver, er, TCM

Although they disappointed me last nite by showing "Funny Babs" as opposed to a documentary about the rash of alien/horror/sci-fi clips from the 50's, which were to include: "The Thing;" "The Incredible Shrinking Man;" "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers;" et al; I won't hold it against 'em since it's my favourite movie channel on the boob tube [ vast wasteland-see "Minnow" ]

My sister, Ali, who has been viewing the Pond, has the same journalistic genes as yours truly. Must be in the catfish blood. ZMy grandfather on my dad's side had his own weekly-or maybe it was a daily-neighborhood newspaper back in the days of World War II. Ali has always had an unquenchable quest for truth, justice, and the worldly way. So what if she's a Socialist. She's still my l'il sister, altho 7 years my senior. And a first class liberal. You go girl! We have come to a mutual accord when it comes to conversing about "the dark side of the force." [ Politics, in general ]

However, Ali, pooh-poohed my notion about the song "Helter Skelter" which had its origins in the British vernacular. [ see "lift" for elevator and "louve" for lavatory ] Here is her comment-not reprinted here with her permission:

.....Re Helter Skelter --even though this song
may have been inspired by a roller coaster, it sound like a song about
someone who has a drug problem and his effect on those around him--ie "don't
want to break you". The roller coaster is a metaphor for many
things--parenthood, drugs, workplace, etc....

Excellent points, l'il sister. And your response has been filed under "submitted for my A & P."

Back to "Helter Skelter." TCM strikes again. And here's a clip about Sharon Tate, who was married to Roman Polanski, and who died at the hands of Charlie Manson. The synchronicity vibe rears its ugly head again. This is getting scary!

Submitted for your synchronicity viewing pleasure. Gimme shelter, v.c.

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