Monday, July 04, 2005

Helter Skelter

Unfortunately, the song Helter Skelter, just like Piggies, has been linked to Charles Manson in the killings of Sharon Tate and others in 1969, but has nothing at all to do with anything like that. On July 18, 1968, Paul and the other three Beatles were in the studio at Abbey Road, and Paul wanted to write a real rockin' song that would shock everyone. He got the idea from a newspaper review of a new song by "The Who," where their song received great reviews. Wanting to compete, Paul wrote this one. The name Helter Skelter is a roller coaster in England, described there as a spiral slide. If one knows this information, the song makes perfect sense - how Mansion misinterpreted the lyrics again is a mystery, except for the fact that he was indeed quite deranged. In Mansion's mind, the phrase, "coming down fast," meant to him that the American radical conflict was soon to arrive. The murderers, as they did with the words "pig" and "piggy," wrote "Helter Skelter" on the walls with the victims blood. It also didn't help the song much when the Los Angeles District Attorney, Vincent Bugliosi, who prosecuted the case, named his best-selling book Helter Skelter.

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide

Where I stop and turn and I go for a ride

Till I get to the bottom and I see you again, yeah, yeah, yeah

Do you don't you want me to love you,

I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you, Tell me tell me,

Come on tell me the answer, and you may be a lover, but you ain't no dancer

Go Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, yeah

I will you won't you want me to make you,

I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you

Tell me tell me tell me the answer, you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer

Look out, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, yeah

Look out cause here she comes

When I get to the bottom, I go back to the top of the slide

And I stop and turn, and I go for a ride

Till I get to the bottom and I see you again, yeah, yeah, yeah

Do you don't you won't you want me to make you

I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you

Tell me tell me tell me the answer, you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer

Look out, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, Helter Skelter, yeah, hu,

Helter Skelter, she's coming down fast, yes she is, yes she is, coming down fast

NOTE: The longest song The Beatles ever recorded was Helter Skelter. This long yet still unreleased version is 27 minutes 11 seconds long. When you listen to the five minute released version, at the end, the song fades away, then cuts back ending with Ringo saying. "I've got blisters on my fingers," conveying his thoughts, after the 27 minute version.

Here's the link for the above foray, v.c.

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