Sunday, February 20, 2005

Maybe I Didn't Think Things Through!

It's been awhile since v.c. has ventured into the realm of bloggerdom. And, if memory serves, my last post mentioned a "throwin' in the towel" mentality. Where I used my trademark "farewell and adieu" to announce to the world-well, maybe a few people-that v.c. was hangin' 'em up. It appeared "Golden Pond" was kaput, fini'.

There's life in this old keyboard after all. Plus, the writings were good therapy after a long day at work.

Thanks again to those who have perused the Pond. Here's hoping you have gotten a different slant from yours truly, v.c. So we're firing up the presses one more time.

Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. The one-eyed cyclops is kaput, fin' as the background on my computer screen. He has been replaced with "Hotel California." You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.

1 comment:

Hoots said...

Good for you!
Hang in there.
I was wondering if I should relocate your blogsite to my "inactive" folder. I'm glad not to be doing that.

Blogging takes discipline. There are some days when I don't have the mental energy to do it, and others when I can't wait.
I decided from the beginning that traffic was not my first need. Later, that may become more important, but for now learning technical basics and keeping up with a larger view of life and the world than you get from the alphabet networks and printed media has become my main motivation.
When that kid from New Jersey was on the Today show this morning (Numa Numa song) I was excited, not because he is especially great, but because I was one of those "in the know" because I knew about him already via blogging.