Friday, September 17, 2004

Big-Ass Storm-Response to clifhenry

Thank goodness the pond remained somewhat unscathed. A small section of thehouse blew off but outside of that-too blessed to be stressed. Hope the four readers of the PIC yahoo escaped damage as well. Evidently, the hurricane is heading towards Sacramento. Now that's a big-ass storm. Clif, hope you remembered to baton, er, batten down the hatches. Meanwhile....

One of our beloved posters has become quite the political pundit. I look forward to perusing hootsbuddy's place each and every day.With his tenacious ambition, the hoots mantel is destined for a blogger pulitzer. Good luck, hootster.

Pictru constructed his blog and wrote an interesting post and quickly disappeared from the landscape. What happened?And bbq remains an enigma. As well as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I've been watching the vast wasteland a bit more this week. Cos N'awlins is below sea leveland we haven't been hit since Ol' Betsy <> created havoc in 1965.And Molly Ivins, left-wing political pundit <> has declared the hurricanes a result of global warming. Molly hails from Texas and is one of the-if not the- smartest human being on the planet. She has the answers to every ill plaguing society. Great job, Molly. But you missed your calling!

And while watching t.v., I've found there are many ills plaguing <> the average Joe Q. Public.

1) If one owes one's credit card company $8,000 it will take 47 years to pay-off the debt. <> Ouch!

2) The female gender may be susceptible to feminine itch and odor. We men have suffered from the heartbreak of jock-itch for years. So we feel you. Ouch!

3) If one's hair is thinning or if one resembles Mr. Clean, Yul Brynner, <> or Kojak, one only needs to purchase a hair transplant in order for one's business prospects and self-esteem to improve dramatically. Ouch!

4) Can't recall the name of the pill but it's the competition for Viagra. Male enhancement technology but consult one's doctor if one's erection lasts for more than 4 hours. Ouch!Shirley there's more to recall but the old brain cells won't oblige.Hopefully, you guys and gals? weathered the storm. <>

Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. Who used to end each submission with: You may now disembark the nite train. All laborde!

P.S.S. How could one have forgotten the ads for acid reflux?

1 comment:

clifhenry said...

holy smoke, vc, i almost lost you. it just occurred to me this afternoon that i hadn't had contact with any of the old picaninnies (as i like to think of us)in quite a long time. had a couple of emails from bbq a year or so ago, but then lost track of him.

how the hell are you/ and what the hell are you doing for a living?
