Monday, September 27, 2004

Archive This!

Back in the day when I was a fledgling writer on the PIC ( Piccadilly, southern cafeteria chain ) Yahoo, yours truly, v.c., wrote a series of articles on how our company ( Piccadilly, southern cafeteria chain ( deja-vu, eh? ) ) could increase business. The v.c. character was in the embryonic stage at the time-most of the yahoosters didn't know what to think of this new renegade. V.C. attempted to inject some humour into the bored, er, board and sometimes he would even write a serious post or two. After writing "Hill of Beans" he decided that what he said/wrote didn't amount to a hill of beans ( deja-vu, again ) and decided to go with the infantile ones instead.!

That was three years ago and change. And with anything else, practice makes perfect. Methinks a style has emerged. And it has been the utmost fun. I once tried writing a book ( before the Yahoo experience ) but imho it was lacking. It has been archived on disk but that's about it. My mother and ibbq4you2 think enough of my talents? as they continue to encourage me to begin work on another one, possibly to be entitled, "Pulp Affiction." Catchy, eh? And maybe the force will engage me one day and off we'll go. In the meantime, v.c. will be content to write on the PIC ( see above and yes, deja-vu ) Yahoo and my new weblog, Golden Pond.

"Ways to Increase Business" was the name of the aforementioned post, written in 2001. One poster, the enigmatic Bongobob, got his paneezinawad over the content. ( apollo g's to Hoots-see his weblog for more details ) But the Aussie eventually saw through the ruse and began delighting in v.c.'s submissions, which have always been for one's approval and perusal.

So without further adieu/fanfare, here is the sequel, published in 2004. Farewell and adieu, v.c.

P.S. Perhaps the original will see the light of day in a further excursion.

The old tried and true formulas for suckcess are kaput, fini'. The new millenium has since rolled in and found us in a heep of trouble. Everyone knows the story. But if we are to compete and stay afloat, new ideas must emerge. The new marketing gurus have gone by the book, and as mentioned in another post, some have made the grade and some have gone bust. Yours truly will submit for your approval and perusal, new ways to increase business in the following year.

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