Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Random Ramblings"

1) Not sure if anyone has ever coined this phrase? "Random Ramblings," that is.

2) After bragging on TCM in a foray from last week, the faire this week has been disappointing.

3) Have you ever noticed what separates good actors from the bad ones? ( includes the female variety ) From this sideline reporter, imho, the goodones appear to be the character they are playing, instead of just mouthing the lines.

4) My new job was short-lived. Nuff said.

5) Tonight's song is from the 80's. It is submitted for your approval and perusal. See the end of the foray for further details.

6) When Mark David Chapman killed John Lennon, he calmly sat down on the curb and began reading "A Catcher in the Rye." One of my favorite books as a young teen.

7) There's always an angle. Somebody trying to make a buck. When I attended "Truck U." you could always buy the "Cliff Notes," instead of reading the literature. Today it would be called "Great Works of Literature for Dummies." Guilty as charged. One of my favorites at my old alma mater was "Canterbury Tales," the unabridged edition, which I actually read. Some of the dialogue:

"You want my treasure. It is in my pants."

"Yes, I want the treasure. Oh, it's in the back end of your pants." [ sticks hand down pants and is farted on ]

I guess this is when the term "ribald classics" was invented.

8) What's it all about? Alfie? And whatever happened to Michael Caine? And Dionne Warwick for that matter.

9) Speaking of hands down pants, how about this one?

'Manhood' Check Costs Hoops Coach Job

Maine Athletes Told to Put Hands Down Their Pants

10) The old clock on the wall says it's time to bid adieu. Gimme shelter, v.c.

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